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Mighty Men Of Valor

Pastor Donald is committed to ensuring that all men young and old have the opportunity to fellowship together and learn from each other.  This dynamic fellowship encourages the men to take their rightful place as spiritual leaders in their homes, workplaces, and communities and eventually impact the entire world.  Every man whether a member of LWCMI or not, is welcome to attend these meetings, please see our "Events" tab for the next scheduled meeting.

Women In The Word

Living Word Christian Ministries, International's Women’s Fellowship is known as Women in the Word.  As we develop relationships and learn from each other to become educated about challenges facing women today.  This ministry is designed to address those topics in a variety of settings.  Women are encouraged to share their talents, experiences, and wisdom to help one another.  If you are a woman you have met the only qualification for joining.  Please see our events tab for the next scheduled fellowship and come out to join us.

12 Step Recovery & Spiritual

Support Group Ministry

The 12 step Recovery and Spiritual Support Groups fellowship and celebrate God's healing power in our lives through Christ Centered 12 steps. This experience allows us to be changed. We open the door by sharing our experiences, struggles, victories, and hopes with one another. In addition, we become willing to accept God's grace in solving our life problems. By working the Christ Centered steps and applying their Biblical principles we begin to grow spiritually and become free from our addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors.

Urban Ministry Internship

The focus of the Internship is for the Ministers-in-Training to serve our  community in a way that is realistic and relevant. This ministry is also the component that provides people from different backgrounds and cultures the opportunity for hands on experience to serve in an urban environment.

Ministry Partnership with Bread of Life Church

Living Word Christian Ministries International and Bread of Life Church are partners in creating a more just and loving city by bringing together our people from different parts of Washington, DC to build friendships and community as we follow Jesus. We do this by regularly worshiping with each other, and being there for each other in times of celebration and struggle.

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